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Debunking Supernatural Myths: Part II


This post is based on a sermon titled ‘Debunking the Supernatural’ by Ben Thompson on Sunday 12 May, 2024. Listen to the full message here.

In our journey of faith, it’s essential to understand that we are mind, body, and soul. We must care for every aspect of our being, not just the physical and emotional but also the spiritual. However, becoming overly focused on the supernatural is just as detrimental as ignoring it completely.

Could our desire for miracles overshadow our relationship with Jesus? It’s tempting to wish for signs and wonders to validate our faith, but this desire can lead us astray. We might find ourselves bargaining with God: “If you do this, then I’ll believe.” Yet, Jesus taught that our faith should not rest on miraculous events but on a deep, personal relationship with Him.

Miracles can offer momentary assurance, but they are not the foundation of our faith. If our belief feels shaky, it may be because we’ve built it on the wrong foundation. A solid relationship with Jesus is what sustains us, not fleeting supernatural experiences.

The temptation of comfort

Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, offering a quick fix to a momentary need. Jesus’ response, “Man cannot live by bread alone,” reminds us that we need more than physical comfort. We are not just flesh and bones; we are souls in need of spiritual nourishment. True comfort and assurance come from Jesus, not from temporary solutions or material wealth.

The temptation of the superstitious 

The devil also tempted Jesus to jump off a cliff to prove His divinity. If Jesus had done so, it would have been an easy way to reveal Himself as the Son of God. However, Jesus refused, showing that faith should not be based on dramatic displays of power. We often fall into the trap of expecting God to prove Himself to us. We might say, “If only I could see a miracle, then I’d believe.” But faith requires trust in God’s character and His promises, not in constant supernatural confirmation.

The temptation of power

Finally, Satan tempted Jesus by offering Him rule over all the kingdoms of the world. This was a temptation to take a shortcut to power and glory. Jesus refused, declaring that worship belongs to God alone. We, too, face the temptation to seek power and control, but true discipleship requires surrendering our will to God and trusting in His plans.

The foundation of our faith

Our faith must be built on Jesus, not on the supernatural. When we chase after miracles, we miss the point of our relationship with God. Miracles are not the goal; they are a byproduct of a life grounded in Jesus. When we follow Him and put Him first, the supernatural will naturally follow.

Reflecting on our desires

We must ask ourselves: What do we want more than God? Do we desire the blessings and miracles more than the Blesser Himself? When we build our lives on Jesus, nothing can separate us from His love—not even death.

Don’t equate your relationship with God solely with signs and wonders. Feeling distant from God might mean we need to draw closer to Him, not that He has abandoned us. Miracles remind us of who God is and who we are in Him. They are meant to mobilise us, not to marvel at. Chase Jesus, not miracles. Let Him develop your character so that you can stand firm in tough times. Make Jesus the foundation of your life, and you will find true, lasting assurance.