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“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

Standing Firm in His Goodness

Danielle and Sam Truscott

I went into preterm labour unexpectedly while Sam was away in Townsville training for work. Walter was born six weeks early and immediately needed significant medical intervention. He spent seven weeks in the hospital, fluctuating between doing well and experiencing episodes where he would stop breathing, turn blue, and need oxygen. Eventually, he improved enough for us to bring him home.

We thought the worst was behind us, but about a week and a half after we brought Walter home, he stopped breathing in his sleep. He was rushed to the hospital, where they managed to get oxygen into his body but couldn’t get him to breathe on his own. Throughout this ordeal, we leaned heavily on our faith in God, remembering His goodness and love. We believed that Walter was entrusted to us for a reason and that there was a greater purpose for him.

A few days later, Walter was discharged again, but he continued to have episodes where he would stop breathing, requiring CPR and urgent trips to the hospital. The doctors were unable to diagnose his condition, and we were told that this would be our life for a while. It was a challenging time, but our faith kicked in. We stood our ground, believing that Walter would be okay and that we would be okay.

One day, Walter stopped breathing eight times within a 15-minute span. There were no ambulances available, so I [Danielle] drove him to the hospital myself, praying “Holy Spirit come” the entire way. Despite the terrifying situation, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, knowing that God was with me in the car. Walter was airlifted to the Gold Coast and the team there saved his life. He received a diagnosis and treatment plan, and his condition improved dramatically. Since that day, in June last year, we haven’t had to perform CPR on him again.

During this time, Sam’s employer transferred him from Townsville to Brisbane. His boss told him, “You’re going home,” and the next day, Sam was on a flight to Brisbane. He was reassigned to work in Toowoomba instead of Mt Isa, which allowed him to be home every weekend. Everything fell into place so perfectly, which is a testament to God’s hand in our lives.

Reflecting on the past year, our lives have completely changed. We’ve consistently needed to have faith in God, from our early days of marriage with no money or stable housing to this recent ordeal with Walter. Each time, we’ve placed our trust in God, and He has always provided. God’s presence was with us in emergency departments, ambulances, and every moment of our journey. He has met us everywhere. Our lives and Walter’s life are a living testament to God’s goodness and faithfulness.

What is Your Impact?

If you choose to partner with Highlands over the next 12 months, these are just some of the things that you’ll be a part of impacting locally, nationally, and globally. Our goal is not only to see Australia for Christ, but the world for Christ. And that starts with you.

Shovel-Ready Projects



KIDS AUDITORIUM Create age-specific spaces for growing age groups, and relocate storage.

KIDS PLAYGROUND Support the growing children’s ministry and accommodate more families.


KIDS RESOURCING Enhance resources and environments for kids.

FENCING Ensure the safety of children with secure fencing. 

CAFE AND FOYER Upgrade the cafe and foyer areas with new lighting.


SOUND AND PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT Prepare for early 2025 services with appropriate sound, lighting, and production equipment for bump in/bump out services.

START UP STAFFING Hire essential staff to support new initiatives.