This is the Highlands Church Logo.

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”

Mark 11:23

Following in Faith

Paul Edwards

Before I found Jesus, I thought I had everything together. But in reality, my heart, mind, and spirit were a mess. I carried a lot of resentment towards others, but especially towards myself. I had just moved to Toowoomba, and as I would drive past Highlands every day I felt a strong pull to go in.

One day, I decided to follow that feeling, and I haven’t looked back since. My life with Jesus is infinitely better. I am more positive, more caring, and more mindful of my thoughts and actions. I feel loved and like I’m on the right path. Where once I carried resentment, I now find myself loving people.

Shortly after being baptised at Highlands, I felt the nudge to move back home to Gidgegannup, Western Australia. My children live here, and I felt a strong duty to introduce them to Jesus, so they can make their own choice about faith one day. Since returning to WA, incredible opportunities have opened up. My boss offered to share his property with me. This is the property where I’ve worked for the last ten years, investing a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. To my complete shock, he has given me 50% ownership of the property. I never thought I’d be a homeowner, but now I own 150 acres. It’s truly amazing!

My biggest prayer is for my children to be saved. I’ve taken a couple of them to church, hoping to cut through the outside influences and misconceptions they hear about religion and Jesus. I want to set the record straight for them. I often think of Jesus as a spotter on a bench press: you know the weight is heavy, but knowing He’s there makes it so much easier to bear. My journey with Jesus has shown me that with Him, anything is possible, and I’m believing for my children to experience that, too.

Reaching Vietnam for Christ

Ken Wootton

As part of Expansion, we want to sow into the places that make a difference in the world, and we’re excited to announce a new partnership in Vietnam. Remarkable things are already happening there! A church has been built floor by floor, faith by faith. They’re constructing a kindergarten and have already established a music school to train musicians for worship. They also have a College where students from the Highlands are brought down to Ho Chi Minh City to gain a new worldview. Imagine the transformation for those living in poverty-stricken areas, where there is no water or power, to come to a bustling city of 15 million people!

At the College, students are trained in Scripture and theology, given computer skills, and taught English. This education equips them to make a significant difference when they return to their communities. The need for education in Vietnam is immense, and many families are selling their land to afford university education for their children. Our partnership aims to offer these students a chance to study at a Christian university, raising Christian leaders who will go out and uplift their communities. We can provide new opportunities for children finishing high school, influencing the next generation to make a positive impact in their villages and towns.

Currently, there are about 90 churches in the villages with 10,000 people connected. Imagine the impact Highlands could have to multiply that number in the years to come! Simple acts like installing a well or providing solar panels can transform entire communities, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Highlands, we also have the opportunity to travel to Vietnam, encouraging and supporting them. This partnership allows us to join our faith with theirs, impacting not only our local community in Australia but also the lives of many in Vietnam.

We encourage everyone to get involved during this time of Expansion. Think about where you can direct your resources and how you can contribute to this life changing opportunity.
Together, we can help reach Vietnam for Christ!