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“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Isaac Newton

Finding my Foundation

Dom Salis

Before I came to know Jesus, my life felt very scattered and directionless. I was constantly looking to the world and the people around me for guidance, but I always ended up feeling unfulfilled. I lacked a sense of purpose and felt out of place, even among people I had known since childhood. Despite having a lot of friends and being well-liked, I didn’t have any deep, meaningful connections. I felt like I had outgrown everyone around me.

In August 2023 I came to church for the first time, just as the Expansion series was beginning. I was very sceptical and I kept telling myself that I wouldn’t become one of “those people!” However, I couldn’t help but notice the positive changes in my girlfriend, who had started coming to Highlands about 12 months before me. She was filled with positive energy, was less anxious, and had a different outlook on life. So I kept coming back.

Now, my life has transformed in ways I never imagined. In the last 12 months I’ve made friends who are more than just people to hang out and go for a drink with, they’ve become like family to me. As someone with a small family, these deep connections have been incredibly meaningful. I also feel so much more peaceful and I have a lot less anger in my life. I’ve stopped worrying about why things happen to me because I trust that
God is in control. I’ve also learned to recognise the things in my life that serve God’s purpose rather than a worldly one. I used to think that when I did things for others, I was owed something in return. Now, I understand that serving is a spiritual gift, and I do it with joy and gratitude.

Building a strong foundation in Jesus has made me less anxious and much more grounded. I no longer feel the need to constantly chase after the latest and greatest material things. Instead, I spend my time with good people and focus on what truly matters. As I look forward to the next 12 months, I’m praying hard for my family and childhood friends to come to know Jesus. I believe that God’s plans for me are unfolding, and I’m excited about what the future holds. With Jesus in my life, I feel equipped to face whatever comes my way.

Find Out More About Your Impact

The biggest impact you can make in life is helping someone else! Your generosity through Expansion at Highlands enables us to help more and more people experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Find out more in the Expansion booklet here or make an offering below!

Listen to the Highlands Expansion Playlist

Can’t get enough of the Highlands Expansion setlist? Neither can we! We’ve curated a playlist featuring our complete Expansion 2024 setlist, plus some of our favourite faith-building songs to help you reflect on what was, what is, and what is to come.

Tap the playlist now to save, share, and enjoy!