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Small Groups

Small Groups at Highlands are all about connection, growth and learning how to walk in relationship with Jesus. We have Small Groups for everyone with a range of interests. From Bible studies, to dinner parties, to motorbike riding groups – there will be a group for you!

Small Groups

Small Groups at Highlands are all about connection, growth and learning how to walk in relationship with Jesus. We have Small Groups for everyone with a range of interests. From dinner parties to motorbike riding groups, there will be a group for you!

How do they work?

Small Groups are gatherings with up to 10 people meeting together regularly for the purpose of relational and spiritual growth. These groups gather around a common interest. 

Our Small Groups are all unique, and they are one of our main means of discipleship at Highlands. They are groups where we encourage people to love, learn and care for others, and dive into their own spiritual growth. 

Who can join?

Anyone! Our groups are inclusive and welcoming to anyone who wants to participate so that they can find their way into the Highlands community.

How do I join?

We’ll help connect you to the Small Group that’s just right for you! Get started here.

Join a Small Group today