This is the Highlands Church Logo.

You matter to God and you matter to us.

You matter to God and you matter to us.

Welcome to Highlands Church

We’re so glad you’re here! Click on each image below to learn more about us, what we do, and how we can help lead you into a growing relationship with Jesus. 

You matter to God and you matter to us.

About HighlandsLocations & Services

Small Groups

Find a place to belong.

Next Steps

Baptisms and child dedications.


Prayer meetings, ministry, or requests.

Kids Programs

For kids aged 1-Year 6.

Youth Programs

For high schoolers Years 7-12.


Content to support your Christian journey.

Upcoming Events

Christmas at Highlands

Sunday 22 December & Christmas Day
We’re so excited to welcome you to Christmas at Highlands! Join us for Christmas carols, an inspiring message, light food and kid’s activities including jumping castles, games, and face painting. Every service will have powerful live worship, life-applicable messages and an opportunity to honour God. Learn more here.

Hope is Coming

A 4-week Christmas Devotional

We can’t unpack all of Jesus’ Christmas gifts, but let’s marvel at one over this Advent season: the gift of Hope. Hope is a many-splendored thing, and over the next four weeks, we will unwrap its different aspects. Reflect on what Hope means for yourself and for the world. Let the truth of the gospel sink into your heart and challenge you.

Follow along with our weekly Christmas Devotional here.

Upcoming Events

Christmas at Highlands

Sunday 22 December & Christmas Day
We’re so excited to welcome you to Christmas at Highlands! Join us for Christmas carols, an inspiring message, light food and kid’s activities including jumping castles, games, and face painting. Every service will have powerful live worship, life-applicable messages and an opportunity to honour God. Learn more here.

Hope is Coming

A 4-week Christmas Devotional
We can’t unpack all of Jesus’ Christmas gifts, but let’s marvel at one over this Advent season: the gift of Hope. Hope is a many-splendored thing, and over the next four weeks, we will unwrap its different aspects. Reflect on what Hope means for yourself and for the world. Let the truth of the gospel sink into your heart and challenge you. Follow along with our weekly Christmas Devotional here.